I thought I was done with 15+ hour work days

Got to work at 10:30AM and my head finally hit my pillow at 5:30AM the next morning. Had to pack up for the trade show and of course things ran late and next thing you know I was all by myself to do it all.

THANK GOD Chiara was in the city and she came over to help me out or else I would have never finished.

As for my blip, I took this photo as a backup real quick at my desk in the afternoon and I'm glad I did since the next time I thought of my blip was just after midnight. As for the money clip, I'm a huge fan of it. I always did the small wallet in the front pocket thing, but this is even thinner so I like it even more.

The only downside is if you just have 1 bill in it (like in the photo), it's a little loose, and then when you break the bill and get change, then it's kind of tight (with 8 or so bills in it). I also don't like how others can see the money (I always like to put a nice Washington on the outside so no attention is drawn). I didn't really want to use this picture (seems, well tacky), but I actually like it.

Take away the stupid names and everything kind of matches. It's all new looking, yet old and beat up (bus pass, clip, money). Yep good day, except working this much means I missed my yoga routine (amen!).

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