
A busy Friday for us. It started with toddlers this morning, which turned out to be very busy and the hall was way too hot. Kerr ended up in a bad mood and was crying to go home by 10.30am.

My friend J came over with baby L and lunch from Greggs for us - yum! We had a good natter which was nice, and Kerr was in a slightly better mood by then.

After they left, Kerr and I headed up to Chatelherault for some fresh air and to run off some of his energy. He had a fabulous time at the playpark, no fear of climbing on anything and I had to keep pulling him down from the train (seen in the background here) as he was trying to copy an older boy by climbing onto the roof! We went for a coffee/fruit shoot and cake at the cafe, did a quick colouring in picture there, then back to the playpark for another 10 minutes before coming back home. Thankfully I managed to keep him awake on the way home in the car - 5pm is not a good time for a nap!

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