Tractor ride

This morning we went to MacKinnon Mills to meet Kerr's friend H and her mummy at the soft play. Kerr and H had quite a good time in the soft play, but they kept popping back out to the seating area where these rides are and probably had a better time sitting on them than anything else.

Typically, just as their time in the soft play was almost up, they were having great fun climbing, sliding and jumping around in the ball pool.

This afternoon Kerr helped me with some cooking. We made a Jamie Oliver fish pie which turned out lovely but unfortunately Kerr wasn't too keen. It probably tasted a bit too strong for him, with chilli, lemon juice and smoked fish in it among other things. We also made an apple and blackberry crumble which he loved, so at least he didn't go to bed with an empty tummy!

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