Leap of faith?

Today I did the unthinkable - I APPLIED FOR A JOB! Apparently they're like buses - none for ages then two come at once.

Annoyingly, I will have around 11 months between finishing my degree and starting teacher training and I really need to spend this time getting experience in a classroom. I'd about given up on even finding a voluntary position - I've actually been told by several schools that it's too much trouble to look after people, even if they're offering to work for free.

Thanks to good friends, I have now applied for my dream (and paying!) job but also found another route into gaining some classroom experience, just in case one of the other 350 people who also think the paid position is their dream job gets it instead! I had another friend help with my covering letter and lots of moral support from others. Sincere thanks, all - you know who you are. :-)

It's a scary prospect, though. A few years ago I was fearless. I could cope with anything, do anything - failure, as they say, was never an option. I knew how much of a difference coming to college made to my students when I taught years ago and they, in turn, made a huge difference to my own life. I was confident in my abilities and knew what I was doing. Now, eight years on, the thought of leaping into the unknown fills me with dread. I don't know where my invincible spirit went but it's definitely gone! Still, I'll never get anywhere if I don't make the effort and take that leap.

Meanwhile, I'm happy to say I have achieved something new today - learning to sew in a zip in my sewing class!

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