Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner


Another foggy start to the morning. On our way to school we walked past the field where I took yesterdays pics. Quite a contrast to todays frosty scene.

L and I enjoyed swimming today. I've got to re-enrole the other two for their next lessons and was really pleased to hear the E is ready to move onto the next group. :-)

A friend has put me onto the '30 day shread' dvd. It came today and I had a go at stage one. Its only 20 minutes, and I regard myself as a fairly fit person but I am pretty sure I will be struggling to walkthe stairs tomorrow. As the name suggests, youre suppose to do it everyday but I am a winp I cant risk my body changing shape too much with with dress fittings ongoing. I shall be making do with every other day though. **ouch**

J has gone over to his best man's house this evening. We all love Rob. He is one of my best friends, one of J's best friends, one of my bro's best friends, and genuinely a fab guy. He's going to be receiving his wedding hat and also being convinced to jump onbaord with the funky shoes possy. Hope he likes his stuff!

Saw my dad briefly as he came to drop something off, hence the photos of the girls with crazy hair moustaches. Why do dads (& grandads) see it as their responsibility to be the prankster with kids? haha

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