Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Pez-ster the grandparents

E loved her sleepover. According to Annalise's mum they stayed up till 1am and were up for the day at 7:30. Her poor mum looked knackered.

We visited my mum & Gareth this afternoon. The girls have missed them a lot whole we've been busy these last few weeks. Every time we pop over it always ends up that M tries on all nannys shoes before settling down to watch Michael Jackson on her iPad, L gets all the toys out and E sits and draws. And they always, always eat every thing in the house sparing just the items hidden in a high cupboard.

After the bananas, grapes, blueberries and fresh bread the stocks were low so Gareth took them to the shop to get ingredients for baking. Of course they also came back with extra chocolates to see them through. Honestly, you'd think I never fed them!

J's out this evening. I planned to watch the final episode of the penguin documentary on the bbc but I've been side tracked with removing a splinter and playing with the PEZ I've found. Soooo rock n roll.

Happy Saturday folks!

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