34 1/2 weeks

Getting there!! Nearly five weeks to go! I've started my maternity leave which is great so the days are filled with driving spence to kinder and daycare, doing a few things around the house and resting!!

My kidney pain has mostly gone, occasionally it comes back but not as bad as it was. I am trying to drink a lot of water as i still sometimes have trouble peeing! My pelvis and back have been quite sore so I am waddling around! I'm still able to sleep on my back which is good.

I went and saw my obstetrician, Danielle on Thursday and the first thing she did was point at my tummy and laugh!! She said I looked huge and after measuring my tummy said I certainly had a healthy sized baby in there!! She was happy with how everything is going though which is good.

We have a 4th birthday party to go to today then a birthing class all day tomorrow. Since Kaz had a planned Caesarian for Spence and this is my first pregnancy, we haven't been through it before so it will be interesting!

Next weekend is my sister, nik's wedding! I am not in the bridal party which is good because I don't think I could stand up for that long and be comfortable, but I am doing a reading! I went through some clothes that a friend had leant me this morning so I know I have something to wear now!!

Here I am looking like a pregnant woman in my maternity top getting ready to go to the party!

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