Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Life bites - Help please.

As with most things in this life anything may come with a bite. Life itself can bite you in the derriere at any moment. The splendid fragrant gorse bush will rip you to shreds should you attempt to clamber through it. Yet from a distance it looks harmless.

I wonder if I might throw myself on your good graces?

Imagine a young man, 10 years old, now adopted having experienced more of the downside of life in 4 years than some of us see in our multi yeared experience. Now consider this little man is a loner, no friends, nobody of his age group to turn to, spurned by his peers and left as on outsider. He was bullied, that has supposedly been terminated, for now.

His adoptive parents have done wonders, however there are indications that the young chap, who is about to experience the flood of hormones that have deluged us all, may and I stress may, be gay. It's not something that can be identified, diagnosed, readily given a label it's just an inkling from people who have seen a great deal of the world and maybe have hit on another reason for his solitary ways.

Many will say that it is far too soon to fix an orientation on a youngster. I agree, partially, but that does not preclude the fact that there are indications which in many households would have fallen on stony ground but have fortunately been recognised for what they are by these perceptive parents.

So, to my request. Does anybody know of a book or collection of poetry which this avid young reader could be given as a present for his birthday? I'm out of my depth and comfort zone, so would appreciate being pointed in the right direction.

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