The Ferg

By fergie


Went to the open day in the new Council office with my teenage son who wanted to see what a state of the art Local Government office looked like. I think he was impressed with how they have used technology to make the Council more efficient and the experience of staff and customers improved. It is also a very sustainable and energy efficient office. I treated him to a hot chocolate and cake while I had a coffee in Starbucks and we had a good blether. In the afternoon I was dragged to look at bathroom bits for our current wave of home improvement .....bags of fun:( On the way back we stopped by the Art Graduate show at The College , the new UHI (University of The Highlands and Islands) degree course has people from across the Highlands and Island areas and shows have progressively got more impressive this years was excellent,. I blipped this little piece by Bunny Little called Sika Deer. (Just noticed this is my 50th blip didn't think l would manage to stay this far, but so far I am finding the community here very warm and the discipline is making me look at photography a bit differently. So thanks for the kind comments :)

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