Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Lighting up time

I'm really happy tonight. We had an electrician in this morning and he fixed loads of silly lighting problems.

Lights in two of the bedrooms didn't work.
Ditto three out of four bathroom lights.
Ditto two out of three of the recessed kitchen lights
One of the recessed lights in our bedroom had a broken bulb jammed in it.
Ditto one of the lights in the cooker hood.

We're lit up like a Christmas tree now. It's all fixed. So I thought I would blip a bulb to celebrate.

An illuminating day in other ways too. Went to see Aged P. with The Girl Racer. Nice to have some company. We took her shopping in Bluewater and had lunch in Leon - fish finger wrap and chips with real lemonade, which Aged P said she didn't like because it had lemons in it. Glad to report that the fish finger tasted of fish too. All cheaper than MacDonalds.

Later in Coffee Republic, Aged P was recalling her youth and said that they had electric trees at the top of the road but her mother told her not to go near them as they were dangerous. I said I had never heard of electric trees, let alone in the 1930s.

"Are you sure you don't mean lamp posts?" I asked.

"No" she said "definitely electric trees."

I think this may have been one of my maternal grandmother's bogeymen stories. Apparently she was also worried about white slave traders in Plumstead. If there were, they probably hid behind the electric trees and jumped out when you were least expecting it.

The football results got me all beaming today as well. And I was able to get back on the exercise machine after a couple of days of enforced idleness. And coming home to TSM always makes me light up.

So I'm happy and contented tonight. And ready to switch off and have a glass of wine ...

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