Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

An apple a day...

...is no substitute for getting proper medical advice during the onset of a potentially serious medical condition, which can avoid complications and the waste of scarce NHS resources, and additionally means your loved ones don't have to yell at you for not seeing a doctor when you should.

This blip is dedicated to two of my five siblings, one of whom has put up with a painful infection for three days and the other who left an abscess to reach the point where it had to be surgically removed by which time it had developed complications.

Also had some sad news about the death of an old family friend, although 95 is a good age to get to.

Otherwise a really nice day, including a family meal with all five of us around the table, which was unexpected. Mind you this was mainly because the Girl Racer bought so much washing home from Uni that it has taken most of the day to do it, so she hasn't gone home yet.

Only other thing to say about today is it rained - in case you hadn't noticed...

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