Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

After The Storm

After the Storm

Well the Weather bomb did what was warned and stayed well away from US.
I had an interesting night last night and The Bossess was working late (very unusual) and left me asleep under the bench in The Boss's studio so when The Boss got up and showered with a view to letting The Bossess sleep in, he was pretty surprised to see me beside the bed as he passed. That was fun! He grumped to The Bosses that he might have tripped over me in the night (they went out socialising last night nuff said) but I was well out of the way until he woke my with his shower. I have very good hearing you know.
This was the weather this morning and was shot from the deck of MY FRIEND PETER'S home. Yes it was up the mountain time and very social it was. I had to winge lots as they kept stopping to talk to folk. I just like to keep going and I usually just wander off if it gets boring and get covered in grass burrs which are a bit bad at the moment. Then I get all agitated and The Boss tries to pick them out but usually it's the wire brush when we get home.
Why is it that FUN seems to have a downside?

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