
By scharwenka

Swap for Lunch

What a good idea (zoom in, and read the chalked notice on the door), but unfortunately we did not have any local produce to exchange!

This is The Crooked Billet at Stoke Row. It was built in 1642, and is hidden away off the beaten track, but not far from Reading and Henley. The place has got itself an enviable reputation of late.

Our favourite daughter (the others are rubbish!) took us there, her own very favourite pub/restaurant, as part of her Christmas present to us. She acted as chauffeuse, driving us in luxury so that we could over-indulge in the good wine on offer. We agree with her about the excellence of this place. The atmosphere is friendly and relaxed, but the food is of a very high standard. Here is a version of the menu, very similar to the one from which we dined.

The place was certainly buzzing on a Saturday night, despite being in its apparently isolated rural setting. This picture should give an impression of the main dining room. There are other little 'snugs' in various corners of the place, in one of which there was a party of 30 or more enjoying themselves (they were there when we arrived, and still there when we left...).

My main photograph shows the entrance door to the reastaurant. Just on the other side of this door is a narrow, unlit passageway lined with wine racks and wooden wine crates. The wine theme continues on reaching the first room of the restaurant.

Returning to the car park, helpfully signed "Muddy Field Car Park", we were out under clear night skies, with surprisingly little light pollution (a bit of scatter largely from Reading, I suppose). The stars were bright, and the visible planets yet brighter, despite the intensity of the moon up above. I suppose what we saw were Venus (very intense), Jupiter and Mars. Astronomers can correct me.

We had a splendid and memorable evening out, and our daughter's idea for a present was an inspired one. Part of the pleasure was, of course, having her company on the outing. For family viewers only, if you want to see the happy trio at their table, look here!

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