Glory Days...

By emkingcol

It's what you make of it...

Quiet day of watching arsenal beat Liverpool and getting ready for tonight's 40th birthday bash in babraham.

Myself, Em and Mr and Mrs D, all went as elvis with matching attire. The night started in the George and nearly ended there but we thought we would make an appearance at the party.

Wasn't entirely my cup of tea but we soon put our stamp on it and before you knew it, I was joining in with the conga and Em was swinging an inflatable palm tree around her head.

Actually got quite boozy which tends to be the case when you have a bag full of gin and vodka along with various mixers!

Kate and Nige made up our entourage and a good night was had by all.

Got back home just after midnight to relieve Russell of his baby sitting duties and then the inevitable happened...the boy woke up and that was night over.

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