Down in the Dip

By DownintheDip


I had a bit of a blipbreak over the past few days and am back with this photo, even although I didn't even take it!
The youngest daughter is learning about birds. She must have a very inspirational teacher as over the weekend she turned into an ornithologist. She tromped about the garden with an identification book, a pair of binoculars and my i phone to capture some 'bird shots' for her scrapbook. After a frustrating half hour she figured out that the humble i phone camera is no match for her eyes. Each of the birds she found was either a tiny, brown smudge against a brown tree or a black dot, way up in the sky. If you look closely you can see a blackbird about to land on the lower branches.
The weather was nice today but I don't remember the sky being quite so blue. I blipped the photo because of this and because I love the cloud - and because I didn't take any other pictures today!

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