
A day of indexing - mostly satisfying, but also frustrating. I couldn't quite finish the work (luckily my deadline is flexible) due to too many entries and my brain shutting down. I need to be ruthless. My red pen will cull tomorrow.

Both books were extremely interesting. I can't say what they're about since they're pre-production, but let's just say I discovered how to escape from a rampaging hippo in one book and that Aztec warriors weed on their sword wounds to clean them.

Whisky sat by me while I dealt with irate mammals and unorthodox medical treatments.

Omar, who came out of hibernation yesterday, looked up for a few minutes, turned around and fell asleep again. It was around 10 degrees today - not basking weather at all.

Happy weekend!

NB: The first few comments on tomorrow's blip are for this blip (date confusion!)

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