Pluk mijn dag

By vk


Today me and a colleague went to Bell Air, an artist neighbourhood in downtown Port au Prince. Where we visited a few artist's workshops, the art we saw here was amazing!
Most art in Haiti is inspired by Voodoo and Christianity. In the photo you can see a flag under construction. This piece will represent a Voodoo spirit, the image below will completely disappear when its finished, but it clearly shows how interlinked Haitian Voodoo and Christianity are.

The flag is being made out of fabric, sequins (pailletjes) and beads (kralen).

Aside from the art, the neighbourhood itself was really interesting as well. The neighbourhood is designed on a grid and thus functions very well. But in the middle of each grid (behind the larger buildings) there is always a slum to be found.
Interesting how the informal settlements have found their way in a of the few parts of the city that has actually really been (urban) planned.

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