Sweet Child of Mine

By skip176

Twist and shout

Rebecca is trying to turn over all the time, even when she's in her chair! She gets onto her tummy so easily, it's just that annoying arm that gets stuck under her that's the problem.

Last night was very similar to the night before. She woke at 3.30am, had a couple of feeds then settled herself back to sleep. But she woke us all up at 6am doing a poo. I'm suffering a little from 2 hours less sleep, 2 days in a row.

Naps have gone like a dream, no pun intended. She's had 3 naps, and gone to sleep really quickly each time. The one she's having now is a bit strange though. She's crying out every 5 minutes then going back to sleep. Well, she'll have to *get up* in 5 minutes anyway, so we can pick Elizabeth up.

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