Sweet Child of Mine

By skip176

Me and my friend

A photo for the sake of doing an update today.

Day 4 of ditch the dummy:
Rebecca slept from 8pm till 4am overnight. At 4 she had a feed, then lay in bed chatting for ages. When she started to sound frustrated, I put her on the other side (breastfeeding) and fed her again. She chatted for a few minutes after that, then fell asleep herself and stayed asleep until 7.30am. (Annoyingly Elizabeth was up at 6am).

I left her too long at her first nap, hoping that we'd be ready to go out by the time she needed to nap. Instead she was overtired and very sensitive, so Elizabeth managed to get her worked up. She wouldn't stop crying, so I had to let her suck on my finger again to get to sleep. She slept for about 50 minutes.

With it being a public place, I let her suck my finger to settle her again. And same story at Jeff's parents later in the day.

At bedtime, Elizabeth was so tired that she went to bed at the same time as Rebecca, so there was no way I could let Rebecca cry it out. It took about an hour to get her to sleep. In the end, she took another feed from me and fell asleep right after that.

So, not a successful day. But she still hasn't had a dummy for 2 whole days. I won't go back to it now, because that wouldn't be fair on her. But I do have to wean her off my finger... I think a day at home, just the 2 of us tomorrow will help.

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