Northern Exposure

By Northern

My Patch

Not the best pic that I've taken during the past 500 but out of the ones I took today this seemed the most appropriate. I took myself up the top of Wideford hill (don't get too excited, there's a road) as there is a metal plate with mileage to all the isles and places around the world. The nearest I could find to 500 was London at 535 but the sun was shining so brightly that all I captured was a big silver glare.

So instead you get the reverse view of one I've taken a few off over the past year or so. This is looking towards the east side of Burray, over the south of the Orkney mainland. If you have a look at the pic in the link, I took this pic from the top of the hill to the left of the wind turbine. If you look carefully at this one you might see my wee hoose to the right of the wind turbine on the horizon. I haven't counted how many out the 500 have been taken around my house but I bet it's a fair few.

I know most folk like to thank Joe and the crew but I'm not going to. Before last February I was a vaguely normal person who only used t'internet for buying books and discovering useless information. Now.... well, I think we all know the addiction problem. I blame it all on the blipmeisters and if they want to complain they can come and and discuss it in person... remember, across from the wind turbine. Can't miss it, look for the tyres!

For all of you.... 500!!!

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