michigan man

By outdoorguy

A Grocery Run

I had an idea to visit the Palma Sola Botanical Garden, and do a 4 picture collage of creatures and flowers. I set it up with bottlebrush, pomegrantes, unknown "fireworks' flowers, bees, and mockingbirds. Would have been pretty.

But...then I got to the gulf, and started watching this heron pair. The flowers will have to wait.

Both parents are still staying 8-10 feet away from the nest. At least one chick is in the nest, but he goes absolutely spastic when one of the parents lands in the nest. I think the parents should give him a "time-out" if they had a corner to put him in.

Dad is flying off to try to provide lunch. "How about a pep talk from mom?" "C'mon...Darrin...I know you can do it!!!" " Thanks...Sharon...I'll do my best!"

CYI. "Can you imagine being the little guy and being excited to chow down on some regurgitated fish?" It would be like the Gerbers Chicken Stew that we tried to force on my grandson. Yucky.

I would love to have a happy ending to the story. Darrin the heron came back with a good-sized branch. Sharon the heron started in on him. "What am I supposed to do with that branch...eat it?" She started in with that beak to beak thing that herons do.

Just writing about the regurgitated fish...put a little throw-up in my throat. Time to fix myself some supper.

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