michigan man

By outdoorguy

Feeling Crabby

I've got crabs!!! I've got crabs!!!

The tide was out, and the crabs were feeling frisky. Frisky...that is...until you approached them. Then they crab-walked back into their holes. It always amazes me that when the tide is in, the crabs can stay submerged for so long.

These crabs are tiny. Half-an-inch wide, an inch for the big boys.

It was getting close to supper time. I thought I would see if I could outsmart them. I lowered my hand into the mud, and patiently held it there. Sure enough...after awhile...they ventured into my palm. With my hand speed, I found I could get 6-10 at a time. The only drawback was the constant pinching.

I figured I would need a hundred to make my supper. Gaining and regaining their trust took me 45 minutes. Talk about earning your supper!!

I looked away as I tossed them into the boiling water. Soft hearted. It took me another 45 minutes to pick the tiny meat pieces out of the tiny claws and legs. Makes me wonder why anybody in their right minds would ever order crab legs in a restaurant. Too much work, and not enough payoff.

I just took my darling Lisa (wife) to the airport in Tampa. That's what happens when you marry a younger woman. She is still working, and will stay home for a couple of weeks before returning. I miss her already. I will spend a lot of time at the ocean and with my camera until she comes back.

DISCLAIMER: No actual crabs were eaten or hurt in the making of this story. The pinching part scared me off. Plus...I couldn't figure out how to make them fiddle.

Click on LARGE for a look at the eyes. Freaky.

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