Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Betwixt and between

It is a day to think of a life lived, what use you make of it and how you travel along its merry path.

It is my wedding anniversary tomorrow and we are being taken to dinner tonight by our bestest buddies! We have not been able to get together for a while and I can't wait to chat and eat the most fabulous food at The Old Fire Engine House in Ely.

It is also the Funeral of a very dear and sweet Lady who blessed this earth with her presence for 99years! She will be sadly missed, but I can't help but smile at who she was and how she lived!

I guess that's the point isn't it, we will all be gone one day, I don't want to leave too much behind, I'm not worried about some massive legacy, no impressive edifice to my passing, but if people can smile at my memory........well that would be just fine! :)

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