Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Open doors..

18 years ago on this date, I stood and made a promise to my wife. I made that vow in hope and determination. I chose a path.

My mind wandered as I stood today in a crematorium and heard the telling of another's choices and path. To hear the final account of a good souls worth, to see the loss on the faces of all the people that had been touched by that dedication to being a 'GOOD' person.

Moments come, moments go, what we choose to do with them is our business. What doors open and what doors close. Which route to take, path to follow, journeys...all of them.

My choice, to go along the path holding the hand of my lovely lady has given me much joy (and sorrow...wouldn't be normal otherwise!) and I never harbour any disappointment at the dreams of other paths that could have been..... this is my life, our lives, there is no other path than the one we tread.

Throughout life doors open...doors close, where they lead.........well, that is anyones guess!

Enjoy the journey, I know that I do.....

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