I spy with my little eye

By roaminaround

The bottom of the ruck!

Feel as if I've got a bit of a cold coming on this morning, just as well it didn't come to anything last night! An early start as "E" was off to Stirling for a rugby tournament and "I" had a home game so a split family today. I went with A and D to sunny Stirling, which basked in beautiful sunshine but extremely cold.

"E" had 5 games today and gave me lots of opportunity to play around with my camera, think I have sussed the ISO settings and what F stops I can get with my limited lens, (I can feel a new lens being acquired shortly) I had read about sports shots and to get low follow the action and look at the faces for expression,
Well "E" ended up in the bottom of a ruck, at my feet with the best expression on his face........job done!!
What will I do with the other 150 pics I took????
Well he did me proud, he played out his skin, tackled like a fiend, chased the ball, set up mauls, and scored a couple of tries too. So much so, he won player of the week. His statement of the day was "I like my rugby......simples!"

Home now and trying to get a heat into my poor body, I am frozen to the bone!

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