Mad Ramblings Of An Idiot

By ivanb

Waiting for a bus

Spotted this statue in Bradford the other day. It has no plaque or sign to identify it.

He's near the Bradford Playhouse, but from what I can see, he's just waiting for the bus (there's a bus stop by the road in front of him)

Addendum: The sculpture dates to 1992 - more info here (entry 29)

Sculpture Terry Hamill (contemporary, b. 1942)
Commissioned by Bradford Council and the Little Germany
Action Group, the sculpture is carved from sandstone blocks
and weighs approximately 6 tons. It takes the form of a
geometric seated figure in the process of rising to stand.
The motion from seated to standing symbolises the
metamorphosis of a building into human form and the
emergence of Little Germany into a contemporary centre for
culture and the arts, together with the regeneration of the area.

Maybe they should have called it.... "here comes a bus"

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