
I really wasn't sure what to blip today. Today would have been my mum's 70th birthday and I should have been taking her out for the day. I decided that this patchwork quilt seemed the most appropriate thing for me to photograph.....

When my mum was diagnosed with cancer in January, some of her friends decided to make her a patchwork quilt rather than send her flowers or chocolates. K phoned me up one day to say that they had made a small quilt for her to put over her lap when she goes out and could I give it to her. When I went to collect it I couldn't believe how much work they had put in, it's big enough to cover a single bed!!! The back is lined in fleece and they had sewn in a panel which has all their names on. Mum never got to use it, but she did see it when I took it into the hospital and she loved it, (loved doesn't actually seem like a big enough word for how she felt about it). If nothing else, my mum passed away knowing that she had true friends.

The quilt will still gets used though, it's just the right size for snuggling up in front of the open fire (there may be a few fights over it though).


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