But only after I'd done my chores. Well, chore. Since then I've sat doodling with my new toy and marvelling at it, both its ability to record the scribbling and the crapness of the software that Wacom have thrown together to manage the sketches. It's like they made it to look like a Windows 3.1 emulator for a joke. I can't remember ever before seeing Mac software that expected you to use a directory tree. Oh, no, I remember using them in Hypercard. So, I know they've always been there but now I know that I can find the doodle of my camera at File:/Volumes/Inkling/My Sketches/SKETCH6.WPI
Oh, and I put the bread in the oven and for once managed to take it out before the crust became too crusty. Even though we've been doing this sourdough thing for years, I never really get over the alchemy of bread.
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