
By Instography


For the first time in ages I took the car to the station this morning and caught the train to work. (The Belgian was being all post-lunch touristy and I thought I'd catch up after work, show him the Oxford and then get the train back with him). That meant I had the first wander to work for ages, through the gardens along Rose Street, picking up some milk and a coffee along the way. Quite differently civilised. Apart from the infuriating shitbags hogging seats on the train. But apart from that, nice.

Home was a different matter. Picked up the brother fine. Couldn't go to the pub - I had an appointment with a hygienist that I'd forgotten about. Got the train back OK but as soon as I got to the car park I could see the dim headlights ... flat. Still, a taxi and a wee trip back later with jump leads and it was recovered. That and my lovely book of maps.

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