
The other morning when I was crawling around the garden taking shots of the frosty crocuses I noticed how lovely the light was for portraits. Unfortunately my daughter didn't have time to stop to let me take some photos of her.

This morning the light was the same. So, as she left for school I went outside with her and got her to stand for a couple of minutes while I took some photos.

Can't tell you how nice it is to see her smiling. She has had a couple of 'down' days. Didn't want to discuss any of it with us, but reassured us it was noting to do with school, etc. We got the feeling it had something to do with friendship.

Glad I took this as the weather has turned quite blustery with heavy rain showers interspersed with short bursts of sunshine. Also, it will be a reminder of the silly parting she insists on having in her hair, almost like a 'comb over'. She says it is her duty to have a silly hairdo to look back on when she is older.

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