Worlds that dont belong

By Jonny

I didn't expect to blip this tonight...since about an hour ago this photo wouldn't have existed if not for an urge out of frustration to go and have a cigarette... There's a cat that lives in complex, and stays mostly outdoors. I heard something shriek as I was walking past, and upon further was a little field mouse. The cat was playing with it before it was going to kill it...

I wasn't just going to let that happen, so I ran back into the apartment, grabbed a plastic cup, went back outside and scooped the poor thing up. I made a makeshift little house for it w/ a plastic container, cotton bedding, a bottle cap of water, and a bit of food...and I'm hoping he lives through the night. Emily's the real pro at this kind of thing...I wish she was here...then I'd have more of a clue of what I was doing.

I've back-blipped yesterday, and posted the original picture of the hummingbird that I was going to use as my blip today in my flickr.


Friday night I was out w/ Emily at her uncles 50th birthday party...and holy smokes they know how to throw a party. I didn't remember my camera for it, and afterward ended up falling asleep curled up w/ Em on the couch. Wonderful times :)

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