Worlds that dont belong

By Jonny

I'm not even sure how to find the words to write everything sometimes. Today went by rather quickly, but after getting out of work around 4:30 it was a bit of floundering. I'm use to working till 6 or was very odd to have been done with dinner by the time I would have been arriving home from work. I have a very hard time slowing down sometimes...I suppose I'm use to filling my life with so much to avoid downtime... My mother was scolding me for getting so worn out. Apparently my brother was worried about me this past weekend since I looked so exhausted and a bit pale. Happens to the best of us.

I spent some time painting tonight...and I'm not too sure what I've done to the canvas I started a few weeks back...I half wonder if I ruined what I had going on...since it's nothing remotely like what it use to's a dark mess now. I've still quite a bit left to do to it...

The little field mouse from yesterday was doing very well this afternoon, so I found a nice stone wall near the woods and let him free. Hopefully that'll be best for the little guy. I hope he managed to get all cozy and nested by the end of the's kind of rainy out.

One of the dogs over at the barn had to be put to sleep over the weekend. It makes me sad to think of it. He was a really sweet dog...I wonder what he was like when he was younger. I met him three summers ago and he was arthritic and old then...sadly it only got worse over time to the point he couldn't get up. I feel really bad about's not something anyone ever wants to face. It reminds me a little that my dog's are getting older too...but lets not think of that...

It's 9:37p and I feel like I'm ready for bed already... There's not even like there's much going on. Out w/ a few ppl for half-apps tomorrow night, then taking my car to get checked out Wednesday night. I'm back on call starting Friday again... My roommate's going to be away from Sat till Tuesday it may get very very quiet here...oh well... g'night all.

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