Whoa - You need to kick me off Blipfoto!
Down at the harbour enjoying a fantastic evening again.
To be open and honest; here is the deal on todays blip. The very impressive cruise liner called Queen Mary 2 was in port. Clearly this one of the worlds best cuiseliners and only visits Sydney once or twice a year. And I DID NOT take a single photo of it leaving Sydney, I stood there and watched. It passed the sydney harbour bridge the opera house and sailed off. If you think this a sackable offence and feel I need to be kicked out of blipfoto; I understand and accept my punishment. Again to be honest I can't claim it was raining, windy, misty, sea salty air, polluted air, really dark, overcast or any kind of dismal; quite the opposite it was the most speculator, clear, pleasant evening PERFECT for photography. So yes...shameful not one photo, yes I had my DSLR ultra wide angle and fish eye lens... I'll start the petition to kick me off blipfoto now.
the very LARGE and impressive Sydney Harbour
My day: smoothie; train (breakdowns), work, chilli, work, harbour, queen mary 2 leaves, train, blip
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