And here...

Re earlier discussions as to what odd things Jakey will decide to sleep upon... here he sleeps soundly upon a pair of secateurs in the morning sunshine.

This particular section of the kitchen worktop is situated directly above the central heating boiler and whilst it is not on all of the day, it still proves to be a warm and welcoming place to curl up and sleep if you are a cat and also even if you are not a cat. Having said that, I don't think I would actually fit into that space... so in fact it would help if you really were a cat. Yes.

I also blipped several nice sunsets... well, they were all the same sunset, same sun and everything, but no....

Also blipped several shots of my left hand after it had been on a Henna Painting course this evening. I went along as well, to keep it company as you might expect. Am quite pleased with the results! Was beginning painting up my left arm when we ran out of time, but we got to bring home the henna paste cone with us, so will be trying out a few more designs tomorrow!

I will stop when I run out of henna paste!

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