Thursday: Graffiti

One thing that is really noticeable about Zagreb is the fact that it is absolutely coverered in graffiti.   I have seen few buildings that aren't marked in some way.  I am no more a fan of a defaced building than the next person but some of it is really quite artistic and is, I believe, being encouraged in certain parts of town as street art.  I am sure you will be seeing more of the graffiti at various points!

This particular bit of graffiti is in support of the Zagreb's main football team, Dinamo.  The other main football team is Hajduk Split which even in the days of the former Yugoslavia was one of the most successful teams.

The cats have arrived safely.  They left the UK at 0700 and arrived here tonight at 2000.  A long day for them!  But, apart from some slinky nervousness, they seem none the worse for their ordeal!

Track 68

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