All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Poorly Ethan

Ethan woke just after 5am again today. He was clearly not feeling well but demanded milk. Not surprised he was hungry / thirsty as he hardly ate any dinner last night and also refused most of his bottle. A whole bottle later, he fell asleep in our bed. And slept, and slept. He sat up when hubbie got up for work, shouted out "Bob", collapsed back on the bed covers and fell right back to sleep again. And slept some more. And more. Finally waking just after 8am.

I'd started work by then so Granny took over. Once Grandpa got up and they had all eaten breakfast, they took him to Scrambles soft play, then for a wander round B&Q, then for a drive to get him off to sleep. Granny isn't feeling 100% either so she stayed in the car with him and slept too. When Ethan woke up, she brought him in the house, he snuggled up on her lap and went back to sleep. In the end he slept for nearly 3 hours! I can't remember the last time he slept for that amount of time during the day - he clearly needed it.

(Granny & Grandpa also confessed that whilst at Scrambles, they treated him to some chocolate covered raisins and a carton of orange juice. Grandpa seemed reluctant to tell me though as he knew I wouldn't approve, lol)!

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