All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Snow Tracks

Oh dear, oh dear. I don't know if the difference is that I gave Ethan calpol last night rather than baby nurofen but he started crying on and off at 4am ... by 5am he was barking coughing and howling so I went through to him. One dirty nappy change later and he perked up a bit but there was no chance of him going back to sleep, so that was us up for the day. Not great on a "school day"!

My heart also sank when I looked out the window to see snow! Nooooo - thought we'd seen the last of that for this winter! It had vanished by lunchtime but I believe there is more forecast for the weekend. Ah well - perhaps Ethan will get to use his sledge that I spent a fortune on but has only been used once so far!

There weren't quite so many tears from him at nursery drop off today which was a bonus. I dropped him off at 7.40am and apparently he was sound asleep by 8.30am. Wish I could have gone back to bed for a nap!

At least work went fairly quickly today though and hubbie picked Ethan up from nursery today so I could head straight home. And it's Thursday tomorrow which means it's my day off and I get a whole day with my beautiful boy. Yay!

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