Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Butter wouldn't melt

I love days like today. L was just on top form all day.
We went to swimming group. The last few weeks she's been a handful there with crying and shouting if thing didnt go her way but today she joined in and laughed the whole time.

M's ear still no better, hoping it will hold out till next week before taking her back to the doctors, its been infected for so long now its actually making her skin irritated too. :(

E's been to Daisy's birthday at pizza hut this evening. Daisy left school a couple of weeks ago after her family moved at short notice when a new house came up. E's really been missing her as she was the only other girl in her class who still likes to lose themselves in make believe. She would happily play with the boys all day but they are not so keen to have her anymore. Growing up and fitting in is hard, huh.

Anyway, E had a brilliant time. You know your kid has a big appetite when both parents mention (more than once) how "well" they ate. Thats my girl ;-)

Off to see if I can snap the moon now. Wish me luck!

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