Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner


My dad and his wife have started fostering aid dogs. They've had Denning who went on to be a guide dog for the blind and now Polo who is a medicine dog. He's due to be partnered with a 8 year old diabetic girl tomorrow so the girls decided to go for his last walk in the woods with them.

J took the opportunity to get his hair cut. He's been growing it longer for the wedding. I will chuckle forever at the look on the barbers face when j walked in with a picture of James dean and elvis Presley for inspiration. fair play though, he did a good job and admitted afterwards he's really enjoyed doing something a bit different. So the cut is right, just need to master the styling but we're getting there.

Kids had a great time in the woods and went off to sleep without a peep which was great cos J had got us on the guest list for a local music night. Was really great to get out and bonus that it was together for once.

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