Saturday Blip

Aunty Ruth here
Steve out cycling with the lads before breakfast, complaints of being unfit
Cup of tea, and breakfast
Getting ready to go swimming
Charley won't sleep!
To swimming. Steve stayed home to do some tiling. Ruth came with us.
Ben swimming! Good body position! Finally swimming with his float flat on the water in front of him. Good lad :o)
Charley swimming: ohhhh we did it. He was star of the week, so he was!! No crying until it was time to get dressed again, because he was cold. Amazed that he did his underwater bits with barely any upset, he made me so so proud! He is a natural waterbaby. So pleased! Best bit, holding him on his back, supporting just his head. His eyes totally fixed on me. Completely relaxed. Pure beauty.
Home, tired. Lunch. Headache.
Ben read books, and played with Ruth. I did some more of the business plan. Got myself a business partner! Exciting times, really truly exciting. I feel like a grownup!! Hahaha. Then I look at myself and laugh a bit and remind myself not to take myself too seriously ;o)
Finally persuaded Ben into the garden with Ruth. There's a special place in Ben's heart for his Aunty Ruth :)
Steve tiling - shower installed! Can actually have a shower tomorrow!!
Dinner in the living room watching Let's Dance.
Bed. Still got a splitting headache. Charley cooing next to me. Ben stayed downstairs, reading stories with Ruth for a bit before joining us.

This blip brought to you courtesy of Steve - again - thanks to the headache. Photo straight out of the camera. What a cute baby. He has the best grey (although I think we both have blue) eyes (after his daddy, of course)!

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