jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Building Friendships



It got to 11pm last night and I thought I'd not taken a single photograph all day, despite it being full of photo opportunities (if I'd had the camera on me at the appropriate moments). And I decided, despite really really wanting to record the day, in a rare moment of clarity (or was it exhaustion? or Steve's threat that if I picked the camera up he'd be off to bed without me? you decide) not to take an emergency blip just so I could continue my journal with no gaps. Steve was proud of me. I felt like I'd be freed from the addiction of Blip!!

This morning I took some pictures of Ben having his breakfast (of hot chocolate with marshmallows, choc chip brioche, and a chocolate cake - I thoroughly approved) and downloaded them off the camera, to find that I had indeed taken a single photograph yesterday. All was not lost: the addiction continues!!

Yesterday I was gearing up for having most of our small group round for pancakes in the evening, plus looking after Nat for his parents for the afternoon from 2.30pm. Amy came to help look after the littles with her little girl Rosie and I was able to concentrate on getting everything ready which was wonderful! I think the frying pan was going almost non-stop from 4.30pm til 8.30pm as waves of people arrived at different times. I think the last people went home around 10pm. A very long day, made harder by Ben's decision to wake up at 5.30am and not go back to sleep (although he did have an extremely early nap at 11.30 for almost 2 hours), but a very enjoyable day nonetheless.

It wasn't unmarked by calamity though. One little boy was off colour and very suddenly decided he needed a cuddle from his mummy and then was violently sick (our front room is quarantined until Steve and I can clean up properly) (thankfully we have another living room which has been drafted in to use for today!), and then later as I went to put Ben to bed and slathered him up in moisturiser he erupted in itchy painful hives all over his body. Cue slathering in witchdoctor - bless him, he kept hilding out more bits of himself that hurt and itched for me to cover in the soothing gel, and an emergency bath with lush's dreamwash, while a wonderful friend went out to the supermarket to buy us some piriton as we discovered we'd run out. The witchdoctor, dream wash, Piriton and then lush's dream cream have sorted out the hives thank goodness! Poor kids.

Apart from the calamities it was a very lovely day :)


34oz plain flour
about half a tablespoon of salt
17 eggs (would have been 18 except I had used one out of the last box yesterday to make chocolate cakes which I forgot to put any sugar in - d'oh)
1.7l milk
525ml water
17 tablespoons melted butter

A lot of bolognese
A lot of grated cheese

2 lemons
2 punnets raspberries
half a tub icecream
half a tub whipped cream
chocolate sauce
butterscotch sauce
sliced bananas

14 adults
5 kids

Excellent :)

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