...up where we belong......

The fishing today was atrocious.

10 of us fished, no one caught more than 4, 2 of us caught none!

The winning weight was just over two pounds.

We were on the wrong stretch of the canal.

We won't make the same mistake again.

But there was some good news.

Charlie and Mummy and Daddy were still here when I got home.

They stayed for dinner....Charlie ate grown up food again...Chicken and rice in a mushroom sauce.

England beat France at Rugby.

Manchester Noisy Neighbours City lost....to Swansea.

United won and went top of the League...with only 10 games left.

I'm like a dog with two........

'Nuff said.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

Prikhadit na vih krasnih!

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