Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner


I'm so not used to late nights. Got back last night about midnight but by the time grandad left and I'd scraped the inch thick layer of make up from my face it was 1am. I didnt even drink and I feel shattered today. can't imagine how I'd have coped with a hangover too.

Went to our first boot sale of the year. Looking for more frames for our gallery wall and Lego. Got a few frames but had to suffer the pain of watching someone walk around with 2 frames they'd bought that would have been PERFECT. I'd have mugged her but I didn't have the energy. :-p

After lunch the kids played in the garden while L demonstrated how she pours water on her head during swimming group but using the watering can and bucket of old green water from the garden. Impressive!
It's been such a lovely sunny day, really lifted my spirits and makes me giddy with excitement about the long summer days ahead.

Went for a bike ride with The Baulards. I don't have a bike so I ran along with them to save me going out this evening. E seems to have forgotten how to control her limbs cos she fell off her bike 5 times, one of which resulted in M getting dragged along the ground and grazing all under her upper arm and arm pit. Real stomach churning moment.

Stopped at the park for an hour for a snack before getting back. I cricked my neck on the monkey bars, M fell in the river and E found a dead rat. Good times.

L had her first meal on a booster seat at the table today. Looking a bit grown up. My blip today is of them all chatting and reading a book together. L is one of the gang now. Scary how quick that happened.

I love eventful weekends. Same again next weekend I hope!

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