Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Almost invisible

I went on a photo workshop on the Newcastle/Gateshead Quayside today. We were tasked with finding images that were different from the usual iconic ones you see everywhere. Tricky!

As dusk fell I went to photograph the Swirle Pavilion which is part of the Newcastle and Gateshead "Art on the Riverside" Project. Below the globe are inscribed all of the European ports that were regularly visited by shipping from the Tyne. Hamburg, Genoa, Aberdeen, Rotterdam, Copenhagen, Malmo, London, Antwerp and Hull.

Under the globe there were 4 homeless men who had been drinking. They were very friendly and keen to have their photos taken. One of them told me he thought that there was insufficient photographic evidence of the homeless in Newcastle and why don't I do project and publicise their plight. In this image you don't automatically see them at first glance.

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