The grass is greener...
Another fine sunny day, marred only by my insistence on digging clay soil with a broken spade. That, and some fat white grubs* in last year's parsley pot aside, it was a lovely day.
Oh, and there was a long wrangling over the electrician's bill versus quote - which took a lot of discussion (between me and Mr B - the discussion with the electrician will, I'm sure, be much more fraught - as it will be in French) and a very complicated looking spreadsheet. But no more complicated than the very odd bill we've had - where items are as quoted, then deducted, then re-entered....
Anyway, here's some grass in the border. Mr B did have a snigger about how I had torn all the grass out of the border, only to replace it with dead looking grass instead. He will not be sniggering come August when this will be a glorious fountain of (checks book) blue/green stems with whitish flowers. More planting today: more violet garlic as the first lot didn't seem to cope too well with the frost, some dahlias, one agapanthus (they are soooo expensive, but one of my favourites so I have treated myself to one...) Now I will have to keep an eagle eye out for frosty nights to keep everything covered up... I think we're safe this week though. Tomorrow I fear Mr B may make me work inside where it is still rather chilly. An 8 year old neighbour commented the other day that it's very cold inside our house. He is right, and I'm sure we'll be grateful for that in July and August, but right now it is much much nicer to be outside.
* They were taken outside the boundary of our garden, tipped onto the ground in the hot sunlight (squirming and wriggling in agony at the heat) then beaten repeatedly with a trowel and the remains left to be picked over by the blackbirds. I do hate grubs in my pots. Almost as much as I hate a trailing asterisk. (Thanks r_e.)
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