Golden tit
Glorious day. The kids have played, I have planted plants and tidied up the garden, and Mr B put a perch on the bird box. I even found time for the first hammock time of the year (for me anyway - Mr B's already been there). Full of rose wine, I lay in the sun with a t-shirt on and my jeans rolled up to my knees. Bliss. Book in hand... it was a fine way to spend an hour. But it was my reward for lots of digging (lavender hedge and sundry plants bought yesterday).
Katherine helped a little with the digging - but she preferred to be building a 'dinosaur park' in a big old baking tray. It has a lake, plants and even some ammonites (tiny snail shells). I may even blip it for you.
This evening we watched as, over the course of half an hour or so, about 70 or 80 red kites flew over. We think they were heading for the rubbish tip which is a few miles past our house. Lovely to see wherever they were going. And here's one of the blue tits making sure everyone knows he's boss of the bird table.
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