Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

In Memory mists....

The stillness of innocent cloudy mists, languidly rolling over the water, mystical and enchanted. Sparkling diamonds of heavy vapour hung from every stick and twig, little reflections of the world, distorted and yet perfect. Spinning on the end of a spiders web, some dazzling liquid acrobat, a droplet quivered with anguish, the fall destroying it's wonderful moment of brilliance.

The air thick with deafening silence, noise reduced to subtle murmurings, distant traffic, birds and people all players in a ghostly silent movie.

What magic, what beguilement, a spell cast upon the very earth, bewitched and bedazzled, wondrous to behold.

A day when the cloud refused to let the earth see the sun, jealous and selfish it hid the beauty from the sky, a shroud around us all.

Some days...most in truth....the world is most beautiful when it doesn't know your watching. Today I hid from it for some time, a phantom in the mist, making myself a veritable library of wonderful memories....

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