Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Life.......child's play

After the last two days, mostly yesterdays adventure, we all had somewhere that was tight, painful or just plain knackered. Everyone was keen to get home so after those horrid goodbyes that leave you slightly sad, we all left the hotel.

My lovely wife and I stayed on and had a nice mooch around, we enjoyed the Spring sunshine (sad we didn't get it yesterday...would have been nice to have had a view!) while we had tea and hung our noses over shiny new Kit!

It was a lovely way to finish the weekend, a few days of thrills, laughter, drunkeness, mountains, food, friends, and that feeling of peace that always comes to me in the mountains.

While we had tea, we watched children running about in the sun, old people talking, dog walkers and folk smiling, it seems......if you is pretty simple really.

Enjoy what you can......cope with want you can't........ and every once in a while.......Go mad in Wales!!!

Four hours to home... magic!

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