I wandered lonely.....

Our daily trip round Bushy as it was another glorious Spring (?) afternoon. B was off work having done the weekend shift. But she bumped into an old friend (mother of our youngest's school chum) so Dylan and I did our own thing, which involved a lot of standing around...waiting for the tongues to stop wagging...something Dylan's tail usually does, but had long since given up today.

Gave me the chance to take a shot of Canal Plantation, one of the many Bushy Park ponds. The Canal Plantation (along with the 'Water Gardens') was created by Charles Montagu, Earl of Halifax to complement his house, now called Upper Lodge. A series of ponds, fed by the Longford (a wee artificial waterway originally built for King Charles I in 1638/39 as a water supply for Hampton Court) are interlinked through the park by this 'river' and create some very pleasant spots to sit and while away the warm spring evenings.

We didn't, I got bored, so we went and had a Costa instead!!

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