Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

#1 Calle Otero

This little house in Old Tubac was the only one on this short little street.  It looked abandoned to me.  As I was about to go peak into the windows, I noticed the bicycle next to the house.  I was not about to get told I was trespassing again and arrested for being a peeping Tom, so I resisted the temptation.

I was drawn to it by the unique porch.  The standards are made out of slim tree trunks and the roof out of tin sheets.  Someone put a lot of work into making this an attractive place to live.  

Take a closer look.

Although like most places in southern Arizona, there is no grass in the yard, the dirt is smooth and groomed and there is a nice big agave planted in the yard.  There are also a couple of smaller cacti planted.  The stones around the yard are neatly placed and there is a path leading to the front door lined with them.

Between the chairs on the porch there is a table with a basket.  In the basket is a ceramic hen.

Someone really loves this home.

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